Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Game

For those of you who don't know about the book by Neil Strauss "The Game - Penetrating the secret society of pick up artists" I want to give you a brief idea of what it is about.

It is a true story, made out to be like a 'Man's Bible' or 'Survival Guide' of some sort to help men pick up women. In a sense it makes women look stupid, but it also says a lot about the psychology of women. I am currently reading it and although I've only read a few chapters, I can already see that I too have been played. Honestly, I didn't think I had been... not as much as I'm afraid I may discover I have.

As I read I plan to let you ladies know what I am reading, and give you examples of what these men do.. if for nothing else but to help you realize when you are being played. It is hard to admit, but it happens to all of us. Now I don't want you to think that all men are creeps or out only to get you in the sack. I do want you to be self aware though, and not allow men to make you feel like a fool.

Once I am more familiar with 'The Game' I hope to conduct a little experiment of my own. I want to see if I can become a player, as oppose to a playee.

I will try to write as often as possible... please please please feel free to comment, in fact I insist on it. I want to hear your stories, how you were played or how you dodged a player. I know that one might be embarrassed, but we have to stick together. Win the Game so to speak.

On that note I will now continue my read... and remember this:

'Don't hate the Player, hate the Game'

Friday, March 9, 2007

Push and Run

For those of you who don't know my relationship pattern, it goes something like this. Meet a guy... usually am not interested. He manages to spend time with me 'cause I can't say now. I start to like him, as soon as I realize that I could like him a lot I push him away or run in the other direction.

So if you read my post below, you will see that I met someone I liked and he was just like me. So much that when things started to get good and I got comfortable, he pushed and ran.

Push and Run.. That's what I will call it.. the Push and Run.

Is there a lesson in this? Am I suppose to date the guy who is like me or opposite? How do I pick and choose. I want someone who has outgoing qualities like me, but can share the centre of attention. I need someone who can take it slow, but isn't afraid of commitment like I am. I want someone who has a dreams, but can bring me down from having my head in the clouds when he has to. I don't know how so many people have found love and gotten married, seems too tricky. I need to know your secrets. Please share.

I will just hope for better luck next time I guess.

Friday, March 2, 2007


So I've been getting emails asking me to update my blog.... who am I dating now, what's going on etc. I have to tell you this blog is getting a bit boring as it is always about me lately. Please!!! send me stories, I need more.

Anyway I digress...

I am writing with a story this time that doesn't upset me, scare me or frustrate me. I met a man and I like him. Seriously, it was a random meeting, at a bar of all places, he joked and invited me to the Bahamas, seemed nice, I gave him my card and thought nothing of it. Figured just a nice laugh.

Well a few days later I got an email saying that if I wouldn't go to the Bahamas the least I could do was let him take me out for dinner. So of course I did... well lunch, but lunch led to dinner (the same day). I have been dating him for a few weeks now, and I look forward to seeing him again. Rare for me. I don't know how to describe him, but in a nutshell he is the male version of me. I think that's a good thing.

I hope to keep you posted on good things... but please someone give me stories to entertain!!