Monday, January 15, 2007
Change of Heart or Chicken Shit?
I have to be honest though, I'm going in thinking it's not going to work. I know can't go in thinking that. I just know myself. Hopefully I can be PC and if I have to end it, and end it well. Or alternatively I hope I fall madly in love with him and have his babies... ha ha okay that was a joke. Just hoping to like him for now.
Monday, January 8, 2007
Back in the dating scene…
I have been dating someone (3 dates only) 2 years younger than me, not a big deal, in fact hardly noticeable. We will call him Tom. He is smart and really nice, and not bad to look at, fairly attractive actually, but not only is the spark not there, one I thought was there as we have been dancing around dating each other for over a year, but it seems as if we are on 2 different pages, more so 2 different books. He is reading science-fiction and I’m ready a biography. He has fun and is enthusiastic every time I see him, so happy etc. I on the other hand want to saw off my arm. Seriously, I find his stories long and uninteresting, not necessarily because they are boring, I really just think it’s a bad match. This normally wouldn’t be a problem except that he is a friend of a friend. This friend I didn’t want to tell about the dating, but Tom has already mentioned it… he is also writing a tell all book. That bugs me as well. Three dates to me hardly constitutes bragging rights, and I have only told a couple friends, no names mentioned, no introductions or anything. Now the question is, how to I stop seeing him without causing a wave of interest and far too many inquiries? I don't think I can, I must prepare.
Next date, accidental date really, but has to be mentioned is interesting for a number of reasons. Reason number one, he was a lot younger then me. We will call him Joey (‘cause he is a kid) lol. My usual rule is half my age plus 7, he is half my age plus 6. That is a lot younger then me, but as I said, my taste hasn’t changed. Thinking we were just hanging out (he is a friend from an old job) I agreed to go out with him. When he arrived and after a few comments he made I realized he thought we were on a date... I guess we were. I didn’t worry too much about it until afterward. Which brings us to interesting bit number two, I had more fun with him then I did with Tom. This pushes me further into thinking I need to end things with Tom… but what do I do about Joey? So far I have done nothing, and it has worked. Avoidance is key.
For 2007 I hope to meet someone that is closer to my age, has similar goals, wants what I want in a relationship.. oh and is UBBER HOT. Is that too much to ask?