Why do men ask for your number and then not call? Alternatively, why do the ones you don’t want to call you, get your number (by lying) and then harass you? Don’t worry I will elaborate.
Approximately three weeks ago. I met a handsome stranger on the street. I know not the best place to ‘pick up’ but I’m running out of options. So, I meet him, we talk, we laugh, we exchange numbers. He called. Yup he did. We talked on the phone for about 15 min, he asked me to go out with him on the weekend, I said yes, he said he’d call to confirm. He never called again. Nope he apparently just wanted to see if I was stupid enough to agree to go out with a guy I met on the street.
Scenario number two, ran into a guy from highschool at the bar, I wasn’t interested, but he used my job to get my number. How, by saying he wanted to buy something. Of course you do. They know I’m not interested but they think they can grow on me if they see me again. So they tell me they want me to ‘represent’ them. I can’t say no (even though I should have learned this by now) because he could be a possible buyer and make me some money. Of course he is not a buyer, he is a loser, he calls me, he emails me and some of them even manage to get me to show them places before I figure out their ‘plan’.
With this in mind I decided to try a little experiment. I started giving out my number to pretty much anyone who asked. 90% of the men seemed fairly nice and I wouldn’t mind them calling… 10% I hesitated, but in the name of science continued the experiment.
So I gave out my number to let’s say 10 guys in 2 weeks, 8 who I would want to call me 2 who I wouldn’t.
Results: 9 phone calls. Surprised? You shouldn’t be, they were from the 2 I put in the “I wouldn’t want to call me category. That’s not the kicker, the kicker is that it was all within 24 hours of meeting me. Seriously, Batchelor #1 called the next day, twice; and 6 calls, yes 6 were from Batchelor #2 (including 2 emails in that 24 hours by the way).
So really I have come to no conclusions, other then if I like a guy I can guarantee he isn’t going to call me.